
Kidon Podcast: IP War Stories – David Cohen & Dragos Vilau

Kidon Podcast: IP War Stories – David Cohen & Dragos Vilau

My next interview is with Dragos Vilau, founder of Vilau | Associates in Romania. Dragos is an old comrade in arms from my Vringo days and was instrumental in helping develop

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 4 of 6

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 4 of 6

I submitted comments to the US Department of Justice’s call for comments that we previously discussed here.

Kidon Podcast: War Stories on the Cutting Edge of IP Monetization – David Cohen and Chris Colvin

Kidon Podcast: War Stories on the Cutting Edge of IP Monetization – David Cohen and Chris Colvin

My third interview is with an old friend and colleague from my Skadden days (well technically he was from Kramer, but we were co-counsel), Chris Colvin, patent litigation partner at Leitchman Law, and founder of a number of highly successful

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 3 of 6

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 3 of 6

I submitted comments to the US Department of Justice’s call for comments that we previously discussed here.

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 1 of 6

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 1 of 6

I submitted comments to the US Department of Justice’s call for comments that we previously discussed here.

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 2 of 6

Response to the US Department of Justice call for Public Comments on SEPs Part 2 of 6

I submitted comments to the US Department of Justice’s call for comments that we previously discussed here.

Apple’s Well-Funded Efficient Infringement Tilts the Competitive Landscape

Apple’s Well-Funded Efficient Infringement Tilts the Competitive Landscape

Apple’s long-term campaign to avoid paying FRAND SEP licensing fees continues unabated. In what has become a modus operendi, every time Apple’s license with a major SEP licensors – Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, InterDigital, Qualcomm – comes up for renewal, global warfare breaks out, and then after forcing SEP licensors to pay millions in legal fees, Apple settles for unknown, typically after being found by a court or the ITC to be an “unwilling” technology user who failed to negotiate in good faith.

A Reckoning for Automotive Holdouts? or Are SEP Holders Getting Fed Up?

A Reckoning for Automotive Holdouts? or Are SEP Holders Getting Fed Up?

Have SEP owners finally had enough? Readers of this blog will understand that many of the key automotive OEMs have been refusing for quite some time to take what, by any measure, is a very reasonable license to most of the key wireless SEPs.

With SEP Politics Eagle Eyes are Needed, or Senator Tillis’ Watchfulness Pays Off and Comments on the Draft Policy Statement Now Due February 4

With SEP Politics Eagle Eyes are Needed, or Senator Tillis’ Watchfulness Pays Off and Comments on the Draft Policy Statement Now Due February 4

Anyone who has observed standard essential patents (SEPs) for any length of time knows quite well that behind all the legalese there is a heavy dose of politics – both foreign and domestic.

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 6

Legal Protection for the Software Arts — Part 6

Due to the size and complexity of computer code, the software is usually created by a team of programmers.