New Ericsson Portfolio rate determination for 4G Handsets

Well this is big.   A judge in California found a FRAND 4G rate for Ericsson as against TCL.  I wonder how this will sit with the Birss opinion in the UK. The commentators will surely review the papers over time, but the nutshell according the first reports is that the judge ordered a rate At .45 percent of TCL’s U.S. sales and .31 percent for overseas sales. Ericsson had been looking for an effective rate of between .87 and 1.01 percent based on its two best offers before TCL sued in 2014. Selna also ordered TCL to pay Ericsson $16.4 million for past unlicensed sales from 2007 through 2014, much less than the $97 million Ericsson had been seeking.

Here is the injunction

Here is an article about the judgment